关于中国瓷器的介绍用英语怎么说 关于中国瓷器的英文介绍
apple is a kind of fruit with a round shape,which tastes sweet and sour.usually the colour of it is red,but there are also yellow and green ones.苹果是一种圆形水果,吃起来又甜又酸。通常它的颜色是红色,但也有黄色和绿色的。
Apple contains trace elements such as calcium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C and carotene.苹果含有微量元素钙,锌,铁,磷,维生素B1,维生素B2,维生素C和胡萝卜素等。But eating too many apples is harmful to the stomach.但是,苹果吃多了对胃有伤害。
An old saying goes, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."有一句俗语说道:一天一苹果,医生远离我。
Porcelain is made of porcelain stone, kaolin, quartz stone, mullite, etc., with vitreous glaze or painted objects on the outside.
The glaze color on the surface of porcelain will undergo various chemical changes due to different temperatures, which is a treasure of Chinese civilization display.
It is the hometown of Chinese porcelain, and porcelain is an important creation of ancient working people.
4、相关词组:introduce oneself
1)She introduced me to her friend.她把我介绍给她的朋友。
2)Excuse me, may I take the opportunity to introduce myself as an interpreter?作为译员,我可以冒昧自我介绍一下吗?
3)Introduce new ideas into a business.引进新观念于一事业。
6、读音: [ˌɪntrə'djuːs]
1. China, C大写, 这是中国的意思。 china, c小写, 则是瓷器的意思。任何地方生产的瓷器都可以叫 china,并不一定代表中国瓷器。 2.china与中国的关系 与瓷器的关系 进入十七世纪,西欧皇室和宫廷开始兴起收藏中国瓷器之风。现藏德国卡赛尔(Keisel)郎德博物馆的一件青瓷碗,上有卡泽伦博格伯爵(1435-1455)的纹章图案,是现存欧洲最早有年代标识的明朝瓷器,几百年来一直是黑森家族的传家宝。葡萄牙开辟新航路之后,瓷器也成欧洲社会最珍贵的礼物。瓦斯伽·达·伽马、阿尔曼达都曾以瓷器博取葡王曼纽埃尔一世的欢心。现存里斯本科特斯陈列馆(Jose Cortes)中印有曼纽埃尔一世(1469-1521)纹章的青花执壶,是中国最早为西欧特殊订货制造的外外销瓷。正德、嘉靖年间,这类订货大多经葡萄牙贩往欧洲。1604年荷兰人洗劫了装载瓷器返回欧洲的葡萄牙大帆船圣·卡特林号(Santa Caterina),将这批中国瓷器取名Kraaksporeleint,运往阿姆斯特丹拍卖,法国国王亨利四世、英国国王詹姆斯一世也参与购买,于是中国陶瓷的影响在欧洲不胫而走。 发端于十七世纪末,延续至十八世纪末叶的欧洲洛可可式(Rococo)艺术风格,以生动、优美、轻倩、自然为特色,其倡导的艺术作风与中国艺术风格中的精致、柔和纤巧和幽雅殊途同归。<U>[font color=#0000cc]洛可可[/font]</U>风格盛行于法国,法国人对中国的茶叶、丝绸、瓷器尤为偏爱。那时法国正是欧洲文艺、美术、戏剧、礼节、服饰、装潢仿效的中心,所以具有“中国风格”的物品流传整个欧洲社会。 瓷器初入欧洲,法国人用当时社会流行的小说《牧羊女爱丝坦莱》中的男主人公赛拉同(Celadon)来称呼青瓷。法王路易十四命令首相马扎兰创办中国公司,到广东订造标有法国甲胄纹章的瓷器,凡尔赛宫内列有专室收藏中国陶瓷;而十七世纪的英国人直接用“中国货”(Chinaware)指称来自中国的瓷器。英国女王玛丽二世也醉心华瓷,在宫内专门设置许多玻璃橱以陈列各式瓷器。于是英国社会以华瓷装饰和日用的风气便流行起来,瓷器渐成客厅和内室必不可少的陈设。 China一词也随着中国瓷器在英国及欧洲大陆的广泛传播,转而成为瓷器的代名词,使得“中国”与“瓷器”成为密不可分的双关语。 另据《英汉词海 The English-Chinese Word-Ocean Dictionary》(王同亿 主编译,国防工业出版社,1987年)China词条介绍,China做为瓷器的涵义,是源于波斯语chini(中国的或中国人),由于受到China表示中国这种表示法的影响,产生了元音音变,由chini变为china,成为瓷器的专有名词。 至于这种变化最终在何时最后确定下来尚不得而知,但可以肯定的是,正是基于中国古代陶瓷的辉煌成就,以及由此而引发的陶瓷传播之路,使得这种独具中国特色的物品被世界人民所喜爱,将中国与瓷器永远地结合在了一起。 China一词还有一个由来。明末清初时,江西景德镇有座“昌南”窑出产的瓷器质量特佳,闻名遐迩。后来传到国外,当时英国人就用“昌南”指代中国,但念不准汉字,而读成china了。 3.china与古梵文的关系 二十世纪之初,China一词起源问题,学界曾经讨论,众说纷纭,未定一是。文僧苏曼殊(1884-1918)通英、法、日、梵诸文,曾撰有《梵文典》。他认为China起源于古梵文“支那”,初作Cina,用来指我华夏。他研读三千年前的古印度史诗《摩诃婆罗多》和《罗摩衍那》,发现支那一词最早见于这两部著作,其原义为“智巧”。他认为,这是三千四百年前印度婆罗多王朝时彼邦人士对黄河流域商朝所治国度的美称。“智巧”与慧苑所说之“思维”内涵略有不同,想系词义因时代而演变所致。 外邦对我华夏称呼,最早曰支那Cina,其后曰拓跋Tabac,最后曰契丹Kitai。今之China即支那,先是国名。明代中期葡萄牙人贩瓷器到欧洲,称其商品名曰Chinaware,若汉译应该是“支那瓦”。陶瓷产品,古称瓦器。此处ware应是瓦之译音。支那瓦者,中国瓷也。China放在ware之前,可知China国名,初无瓷器一义。后来省掉ware,简称为China,才小写其字头,获得瓷器之义。这已经是晚近的事了。 4.china与丝绸的关系 从西方语言演变历史以及中西方文明交流史的角度进行考证,认为“CHINA”一词来源于丝绸。 按照欧洲语言的演变历史,对丝绸与“CHINA”一词之间的关联作了解释。在希腊文明时期,中国的丝绸已经通过“丝绸之路”来到了欧洲,于是希腊文中也出现了“丝”这一词汇,希腊文中“丝”的发音与中文相近。随后,在拉丁文中,“丝”的发音已经基本与以后“CHINA”的发音相近,在法文中,“丝”的拼写则为“CHINE”,与英文“CHINA”的发音与拼写已经非常接近,最后再从法文正式“过渡”到了现在的“CHINA”一词。 英文在对“中日甲午战争”的翻译中,中国被译成“SINO”,这与拉丁文中的“丝”比较接近,而在印度语中,“丝”被称为“CINA”,后来口译成“支那”。 丝绸是中西方文化交流中最早也是最主要的一种载体,在西方人眼里,丝绸是中华古代灿烂文明的象征,因此,英文中“中国”的翻译“CHINA”源自丝绸就顺理成章了。 5.china与玛雅的关系 在有一座小村子叫china。据当地人解释china不是西班牙语,而是玛雅语,发音为 ['t∫i∶nə],不同于china的“中国和瓷器”解释发音 [t∫ainə]。 当地人说,此村名为china,是由于以前一个姓chi的人和一个姓na的人在这里住下后,两人将自己的姓合在一起命名此地。后这里人不断变多,建立了村子,就将小村叫做china。 (此资料是来自中央电视台“极地跨越”节目---墨西哥之行) 6.词典里的解释 简明英汉词典 china [5tFainE] 陶瓷, 瓷器, 瓷料 基本词义 China [5tFainE] n. 中国 现代英汉词典 china [5tFaInE] n. (1) 陶瓷 (2) (盘、杯等)陶瓷制品;陶器 基本词义 China [5tFaInE] n. 中国 现代英汉综合大辞典 china [5tFainE] n. 陶瓷,瓷器,瓷料 a piece of china 一件瓷器 a set of china 一套瓷器 china clay 瓷土,高岭土 china shop 瓷器店 china wedding 瓷婚(结婚20年纪念) 特殊用法 blue china 青瓷 bone china 一种含有骨灰(磷酸钙)的瓷器 brown china 褐斑釉陶 eggshell china 薄胎瓷器 frit china 熔块瓷 hotel china 旅馆(饭店)用瓷 ironstone china 硬[坚]质陶器 painted china 彩釉瓷器 stone china 一种白色硬质陶器 vitreous china 玻璃瓷 China n. [有时china ][英俚]同伴, 好友 China plate [英俚]伙伴, 好友 我们所说的表示瓷器或陶器的词china 是 chinaware 或者可能是 china dishes 的缩写形式。 虽然china 这个词拼写上与中国的国名是一样的, 但16和17世纪时也有chiney,cheny 和 cheney 等拼法, 表明英语借用了波斯语中表示这种瓷器的词,chini 。 这个波斯词,还有梵语中cinah 一词(“中国人”,英语中中国的名称即从这个词而来), 都来自汉语里的Qin 字, 这是从公元前 221至206年统治中国的王朝的名称。
The Spring Festival, the most important festival. China is the biggest and the most lively, one of the most important ancient traditional festivals, as well as Chinese unique to the festival.
A, the origin of the Chinese New Year:
The Spring Festival, is at the lunar calendar, the Spring Festival is called another New Year, China's most grand, the most lively, one of the most important ancient traditional festivals, as well as Chinese unique to the festival. The Chinese civilization is the most concentrated performance. Since the western han dynasty, the Spring Festival custom has been extended to today. The Spring Festival generally refers to the New Year's eve and the first day of the first month. But the people, the traditional sense of the Spring Festival is refers to the twelfth of wax offering from the 8 or the twelfth of 23 or 24 people, until the fifteenth day, among them with New Year's eve and the first day of the first month for high tide. To celebrate this holiday, in ?
The United Mexican States, commonly known as Mexico, is a federal republic sovereign state in North America!
It is bordered by the United States to the north, the Pacific Ocean to the south and west, Belize, Guatemala and the Caribbean to the southeast, and the Gulf of Mexico to the east. With a territorial area of nearly 1.8 million square kilometers, it is the fifth largest country in the Americas and the thirteenth largest country in the world.
With a total population of more than 128 million, it is the tenth most populous country in the world, the most populous country in the Spanish-speaking world and the second most populous country in Latin America. Mexico is a federal country consisting of 32 states; its capital and largest city, Mexico City, is also a state.
介绍产品这个词语用英语表达翻译为:introduce the products
Albert Einstein was a German-born physicist, although most people probably know him as the most intelligent person who ever lived. In 1999, ‘Time’ magazine named Einstein as the Person of the Century. He won the Nobel Prize for Physics. He went on to publish over 300 scientific papers.
William Henry Gates III was born on October 28, 1955. He is one of the world's richest people and perhaps the most successful businessman ever. He co-founded the software giant Microsoft and turned it into the world’s largest software company. ‘Time’ magazine voted Gates as one of the biggest influences of the 20th Century.
J.K. Rowling is the pen name she uses as a writer. The J is for Joanne, her real first name, but she prefers to be called Jo. Seven Potter novels later and Rowling is one of the richest women in the world. In fact, she is the first novelist ever to become a billionaire from writing.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart lived between 1756 and 1791. He is one of the most famous composers ever to live. You can hear his music almost everywhere today – in TV commercials, movies, mobile phone ringtones, and of course concert halls. He composed over 600 works ranging from symphonies, piano concertos, operas and choral music.
Pablo Picasso (1881–1973) is probably one of history’s most famous names. He was a Spanish painter and sculptor and perhaps the most recognized figure in twentieth-century art. He is best known for starting the Cubist style. Among his most famous works is the painting of the German bombing of the Spanish city of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War.
(1)介绍朋友的名字:...is my friend.
(2)介绍朋友的长相:例如:He/She is tall with short hair.
(3)介绍朋友的性格特点.例如:He/She is very frindly.He/She likes helping me.
(4)介绍朋友的能力:He/She can/can't...(例如:play football,play baseball,play the piano,sing,dance等等.注意:情态动词can/can't 后跟动词原形.
(5)介绍朋友的爱好:He/She like ...(例如:running,dancing,singing,collecting stamps,watching TV,listening to the music,playing computer等等.注意:实义动词后的动词应变为-ing形式.)
Jun porcelain is a kind of Chinese Celadon. Straw ash is used in the glaze to make its unique blue glaze white. It was created near Linying County, Henan Province, in the Jun kiln of Yuzhou City from the Northern Song Dynasty to the Jin and Yuan Dynasties.