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Dear Mark,

We will organize a fair art exhibition next month at our school hall.

You are kindly invited to join us.

Please take your work with you.

Please let me know whether you will come. I will give you more detailed information about the exhibition.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Li Hua


When my parents are busy with their work I will stay aside drawing. I like drawing my family. I like drawing my parents holding my hands to send me to school. I also like drawing fruit because they are delicious.



I invite my friends to join an art exhibition in the moring ,and we saw famous painters draw in the afternoon.The works of art will be sold by auction and we will donate the money for children in poor areas.I feel very happy


邀请函的英文:invitation,读音:[ˌɪnvɪˈteɪʃn]。invitation英 [ˌɪnvɪˈteɪʃn] 美 [ˌɪnvɪˈteʃən] n.招待,邀请;请柬,请帖;引诱,吸引,诱惑。invitation的用法示例如下:

1.An invitation is a card or a letter asking you to come a party. 请柬是请你参加派对的一个卡片或者信件。贝克博士答复了请柬,接受了邀请。妈咪发给我一份请柬,我来参加野餐。4.Everyone except me got an invitation. 除了我以外,所有人都收到了请柬。扩展资料:invitation的复数形式:invitations,n.请柬;(口头或书面的)邀请( invitation的名词复数 );鼓励;(尤指)怂恿。invitation的记忆技巧:invite 邀请 + ation 行为 → 邀请;邀请书。invitation的固定搭配:1.accept an invitation接受邀请。

2.decline an invitation谢绝邀请。

3.extend an invitation发出邀请。

4.get/receive an invitation收到邀请(或请柬)。


I invite my friends to join an art exhibition in the moring ,and we saw famous painters draw in the afternoon.The works of art will be sold by auction and we will donate the money for children in poor areas.I feel very happy



We invite you to come to the dancing party. Just want to invite some old friends. Time: March 10th, next Saturday, 6 o'clock. We know you are busy, but still want you to come.

Bill 2014,3,1




Thanks for inviting me to have dinner with you. I really had a good time in your home. You and your family are so kind and thoughtful. I like the food and I like your family better.Thank you. Yours; xx


2009年艺术学院08级美术班秋季大洼写生展前言 2009年10月,在这如诗的季节里,我们艺术学院08级美术--名同学在-----老师的带领下前往沂蒙山深处-大洼进行了为期三周的风景写生课,以艺术之名去找寻梦中那别样的秋天… 艺术因回归自然而富有灵性,自然也因艺术的渲染而更添生机。

在大洼这片广袤粗犷的土地上,我们用心灵去倾听着村庄溪流的低语呢喃。在漫野黄花的菊香中,我们用油彩去诉说着青山田野的原始与美丽… 短暂而又激情的日子里,我们把思绪放飞,让手中的画笔在这欢乐的时光中尽情的跳跃飞舞。在青春之梦燃烧过的地方,我们的记忆中也那么不经意地烙上了属于大洼的一片笑声…