Dear Mark,
We will organize a fair art exhibition next month at our school hall.
You are kindly invited to join us.
Please take your work with you.
Please let me know whether you will come. I will give you more detailed information about the exhibition.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Li Hua
The national day,is a important festival in china.we will fly five stars flag in the first day in tian'anmen square.and we also sing national anthem,too!and we can have a seven days.we are stay with our family in these days.we can relax at home and doing our homework or study!带点中文翻译:国庆节是一个很主要的中国传统节日.我们要在天安门广场上升国旗,唱国歌.我们有七天的假期!我们能够和自己的家人呆在一起,也能够在家休息、写作业、学习!
Dear Sir,Please excuse my absence from class today, because I got a bad cold yesterday evening and didn't well in the night. I felt even worse this morning. Therefore, I had to go to the doctor to have myself thoroughtly examined. Thus, I am writing to ask you for a day's sick leave and assure that I'll resume my study if I feel any better tomorrow.SincerelyLi Mingming
Tom is one of my classmate,he is very helpful .Most of our classmates like him very much,I like him too,because he always helps us.One day ,it rained after school.I didn't take the umbrella,I was worried about the rain and stood in the classroom sadly,most of my classmates left.Suddenly,Tom came back ,he said:"my father will come to fetch me,I won't use the umbrella,you can take it ."I was so happy to take it.You can see,Tom is a so helpful classmate.
I enjoyed the movie "I, Robot". The plot was exciting, although the concept was not very original. However, one of the things I liked about this movie was the way the existence of robots was integrated into the lives of humans.Although the movie included some high-tech concepts about the making and function of the robots, they were not so complex as to leave viewers confused or feeling intimidated. The plot was easy to follow, and the subtle twists and unexpected turn-of-events added spice to the movie, and kept things exciting throughout. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and recommended to everyone.
Today is our holiday, Children's Day 61. Very happy today。 今天,是我们的节日,六一 儿童节。今天非常快乐. My brother took me to a lot of places, we are the roller coaster ride, whale watching, horseback riding 我的哥哥带我去了很多地方,我们坐了过山车,看鲸 ,骑马...... small zoo tigers are ferocious, but very cute, it will go in front of one, while Also playing in her mother's arms. Very cute. 动物园里的小老虎很凶猛,但非常可爱,它一会走在前面,一会儿又在妈妈的怀里玩耍。非常可爱 This is my Children's Day, I am very happy 这就是我的儿童节,我非常开心
最近,在黑龙江中储粮发生了火灾,78个储粮囤表面过火,储量4.7万吨,损失近亿元。据初步调查火灾发生的原因,是由于穿过金属配电箱的导线与配电箱箱体摩擦,致使导线绝缘皮破损,短路打火,引起了火灾。 这件事情,让我们再一次知道了消防安全的重要性。 火灾是可以预防的。大多数火灾都是由电线老化短路,超负荷用电,乱接电线,不正确使用电器,乱丢烟头,煤气泄漏和玩火引起的。记住,大火不留情,焚财又害命。我们只要注意生活中的点点滴滴细节,就不会引起火灾。火灾往往是由一些小事而引起的,多亏了消防叔叔,是他们消灭了火魔,拯救我们,我们要感谢他们。如果因火引起的烟太大不能打电话,那该怎么办呢? 首先一定要会使用灭火器,如果家里没有安装灭火器,当火灾发生时,可以使用湿布。因为起初火势不大,可以把小火苗直接盖住,将火“闷死”。还可以用食盐,食盐的主要成分是氯化纳,在高温火源下,会迅速分解为氢氧化钠,通过化学作用,抑制燃烧环节的自由基。家庭使用的颗粒盐或细盐均是灭厨房火灾和固体阴燃火灾的灭火剂,食盐在高温下吸热快,能破坏火苗的形态,稀释燃烧区的氧气浓度,所以能使火很快熄灭。 而在平时,我只要注意身边会引起火灾的东西,定时去坚持,就能做到预防火灾。
生命的船,不可无挫折的帆,失败让我跌倒,坚强让我爬起,生活让我感悟。我感悟挫折,挫折让我成长。 挫折,是人生中的一次小小不幸。人生,并不是绚烂多姿的朝霞,它是由痛苦、磨难、幸福、快乐的丝线共同织成的一张网。巴尔扎克说:“不幸,是天才的进身之阶,信徒的洗礼之水,能人的无价之宝,弱者的无底之渊。”当遭遇挫折时,我们是气馁消沉?还是积极奋发?我愿选择后者,因为生活告诉我:哭泣和哀叹只会使我跌得更多、伤得更重。于是,我学会了以“跌倒了便咬着牙站起来,流血了便微笑着擦拭掉”的方式来应对磨难。
I have an American pen friend.We met on the MSN.She teaches me how to speak English,while i teach her Chinese.We are happy to talk with each other.