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Hundreds of years of ink painting in China, great changes have taken place, especially in recent years in exploring the themes of artists, in the spirit of the performance of the diversity of people, in the not with the same in a new form of ink on all there is no lack of success. However, there is a strange phenomenon, in some quick, chaotic situation grateful hands of the artists have a number of water-and-ink work of the state language has no roots. In their pursuit of new art practices, in order to crown the innovation of good reputation. Re-interpretation of the classical masters, trying to show some new ideas. All work all the way all the styles are as过眼烟云.

Innovation is the art of the very high standards, now has become the mainstream of the art of lame excuse.

Only in the special art of long-term period of stagnation and innovation in order to promote the arts to move forward as a panacea for occasional use.
I think this is the case.