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Master of industrial arts in China或

Master of chinese industrial arts

中国国画、中国油画、雕塑 用英语怎麼说 或者用韩语怎麼说

中国画:Chinese Paintings
中国书画:Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy
中国油画:Chinese Oil Paintings

求大神帮忙,把下面这段话翻译成英文,先谢谢啦~~ 中国画(宣画):即用颜料在宣纸上的绘画,是中华民

Chinese painting (Xuan paintings): paint on Xuan paper painting, is the main form of Chinese art. From the point of view of art history asked the former Republic of China called for paintings, Chinese painting in ancient times is not identified by name, commonly known as Dan, mainly refers to the paintings on silk, rice paper, silk, and be framed scroll painting. Since the modern times, it is called the Chinese painting, which is different from the western oil painting (also called western painting) '. He works in accordance with the Chinese nation's unique aesthetic tendency and the artistic technique produced by it. Chinese paintings are divided into landscape painting, flower and bird painting and figure painting according to the subject matter. Chinese painting creation tool is the 'four treasures of the study' i.e. pen, ink, paper and inkstone, a traditional subject of the most common is the 'four gentlemen' that plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum.