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Name Yuan Chang, also known as quarter, quarter Ling, word Daqian, alias Daqian lay, or runoff Department Shu Chang. Born in 1901, died in 1984, Neijiang people. Chang is good at painting by young mothers and to draw a tiger is known, since the number tiger crazy, the brother Zhang Shanzai the influence of guidelines and farmers from the teacher was bearded, Li Um learning poetry, calligraphy and painting.In addition to copying ancient name of track, but has traveled the mountains and rivers, to good fortune as a teacher, through diligent study, access to the outstanding artistic achievements. Youth, that is par with the brother Zhang Shanzai. Twenties, went to study in Japan, studied dyeing. After returning home, was lost in the Buddhist, went to Temple Tiantong converted to Buddhism, want to be a monk, said he feared the nine incense burning in the head, remember, had to take leave of the master monk Hong raft back to the real world come. In 1932 his family moved to Lions Park, Suzhou, network, painting with great concentration.After 1940, spent two and half years, the cave of Dunhuang, one by one order number, copying, enriched painting techniques. Moved to Hong Kong in 1948, and later lived in India, France, Brazil and other countries. Settled in Taiwan in 1978, died in Taiwan in April 1984. He was 84 years old. Taiwan now living in his lifetime, Maya Abode build to Chang Museum.
  张大千名爰,又名季,季菱,字大千,别号大千居士,或迳署“蜀人张大千” 。生于1901年,卒于1984年,四川内江人。张大千幼年受擅长绘画的母亲和以画虎著称,自号“虎痴”的二哥张善子的熏陶指引,并从名师曾农髯,李梅庵学诗文,书法和绘画。除临摹历代名迹外,又遍 游名山大川,以造化为师,经过刻苦钻研,获得了卓越的艺术成就。青年时代,即与二哥张善子齐名。

  二十多岁,曾赴日本留学,学过染织。回国后,一度迷于佛学,曾去宁波天童 寺“皈依佛门”,想当和尚,据说,他怕在头上烫九个香记,只好拜别了师傅弘筏 大和尚,回到现实世界来。1932年举家移居苏州网狮园,潜心作画。1940年后用了 两年半的时间,对於我国敦煌洞窟,逐个整理编号,进行临摹,丰富了绘画技法。 1948年迁居香港,后又旅居印度,法国,巴西等国。1978年定居台湾,1984年4月病 逝台湾。享年84岁。现在他生前台湾居住的“摩耶精舍” 建为“张大千纪念馆”。